Tips for Hiking Season
Ever since I hiked Mt. Madison, I've been wanting to put this post together. This was one of my less enjoyable hiking trips, and for quite a few reasons. I'm so excited to finally get back to writing advice posts! Writing about you're vacation is good and all, but I can't keep talking about myself. It gets exhausting. Hiking is such a fun activity; it exercises your legs, your heart, and your soul 🧀. Surrounding yourself with nature is one of the best, most freeing things you can do for yourself; if you don't like people, or cities, or.......society. Or at least if you need to get away from those things. I get you. I want to help make your hiking experience all the more better by giving you five useful tips to keep in mind during the hiking season.
⟾ Choose the Right Time ⟽
This is really important. Choosing the right time to go on your hiking trip could determine how many bug bites you come home with. Hiking in the early spring is not a good idea, because of...... BLACK FLIES. Black flies are a seasonal bug that pop up in the middle of May and disappear towards the end of June. The males don't really do anything, but the females.... need human blood. They typically bite around the neck and head. I wouldn't want a bite there. I recommend hiking during early or late summer (to avoid the heat) and really any time in Autumn. If you're up to the challenge of hiking in the winter (which you can do), I won't be the one to hold you back.
Also, choose a day that fits with your weather preferences. If you like a sunny day, choose a sunny day. If for whatever reason you like a rainy day, choose a rainy day with lots of mud. I don't think we chose the right day for a hike, but we couldn't have foreseen that flies would swarm our heads for the majority of the hike.
⟾ Don't Overdo the Bug Spray ⟽
One of the benefits of hiking is that you can finally breathe fresh air. And you know what ruins that? Bug spray. When beginning the Mt. Madison hike, I felt so refreshed and I could feel my throat clearing up as I walked through the woodlands. Especially after being stuck in a car for three hours. Because of the flies, my family sprayed bug spray, and A LOT of it. That stench ruined the air quality for me and I was stuck inhaling yucky mucky bug spray for a quite a while.
If you want to be cautious with the bugs, spray your bug spray before you enter the trail. For everyone's sake. Spray as little as you can to avoid breathing in unpleasant smells. Wouldn't you rather breath in clean, healthy air? Prioritize that, even if it means doing a little less bug spray.
⟾ Ladies: Check the Calendar ⟽
This is one of the most useful tips I can give. Ladies, check the calendar to know when to expect your period. But don't let it bring you down; plan your hiking trip accordingly. This is SUPER important. And a big reason Mt. Madison wasn't too great (and why I didn't hike to the peak). With the flies and the cramps, I broke into tears every twenty minutes, I'm not kidding. I didn't think it would cause too much pain on the hike, but boy was I wrong. I felt like a frail person and took the slowest steps, just waiting to go back (never a good feeling).
I don't want that experience for you. Trust me, you won't enjoy your trip if you're in pain the entire time.
⟾ Pack Thoroughly ⟽
Even if you plan your hiking trip down to the last dime, you never know what the weather will have in store. Or maybe you never expected you'd be hiking until the nighttime. Whatever happens, it's important to pack thoroughly. I'd love to write up a post on hiking essentials! But what I can say is, bring a night light, extra snacks, an extra coat, and maybe even extra long socks. The packing process may be tedious, but you'll feel well prepared when you conquer the mountain.
⟾ Remember to Smile! ⟽
Last, and certainly my favorite, remember to put on a smile! You're on this trip to enjoy yourself and be closer to nature. It's supposed to be fun. Enjoy every aspect of nature (it's not every day you get to do that). Yes, planning a hiking trip might seem like a lot of work. But it's totally worth it! Enjoy yourself! Let loose!
Those are my foolproof hiking tips! I hope this made you want to try hiking. It may seem frightening at first, but it's such a great form of exercise. I even hiked for my sweet 16; that's how much I love it! Don't let the bad experiences let you down, make room for good ones! Now have fun!
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