What I'm Baking For Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Eve! It's the perfect afternoon. Let me set the scene: on the couch with a cozy blanket, holiday music playing in the background, my laptop in front of me, ready to write. Excuse me for being in such a holiday funk! Is it just me, or has it been a struggle to get in the spirit this year? Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays and yet, this year I didn't want to do anything. The fact that I was PMSing might have had something to do it :/ 

I had a change of heart. I will bake!

But HOW is Thanksgiving already here?! When I was in school, there was a buildup to the big day, but this year, nothing. No buildup. It's catching me completely by surprise. I'm just now gathering all my baking supplies to get ready to bake. I can't and don't prefer cooking, but I LOVE baking, especially during the holidays.

Dessert is my contribution to Thanksgiving dinner.

This Thanksgiving, I'm baking..........gingerbread cookies! It's no surprise; I have baked vegan gingerbread cookies for five years now, plus the photo gave it away :). Sometimes I bake a grander dessert like cake or pie. I love waking up on Thanksgiving morning to bake and decorate the cookies. There's something so *baker-y* about it! My brother and sister help, too. Another random Thanksgiving tradition is baking one cookie in the shape of a Christmas tree, among gingerbread women and men. Typically during our big Thanksgiving dinner with family, we see who eats the lone Christmas tree. I don't know why we do it, but hey, traditions don't always make sense!

It's incredible how my gingerbread cookies have improved over the years, from the baking to the frosting. Compared to what I make now, my cookies were average, according to my Thanksgiving vlogs.

Thanksgiving is a time for us to put our personal problems on the back burner and gather together for a feast. It is a holiday dedicated to being thankful! 

There is a distorted and misleading history of Thanksgiving. But I never actually took the time to be aware. Who wouldn't want to be blissfully ignorant?? I don't, actually. An anti-racist society starts with education, even when that education is inconvenient. With this knowledge, we can channel the negativity of the past into something positive, like GRATITUDE. 

For the first time in forever, I am thankful for myself. I am thankful for my resilience, honesty, and courage, for this beautiful brain inside my head. I am thankful for my arms and legs and the ability to speak, to literally use my voice. Do yourself a solid and thank yourself. Be thankful for your strength, for overcoming adversity, for that beautiful brain.

This year, I'm dining with just my immediate family. There will be garlic bread, pumpkin soup, roasted Brussels sprouts, salad. And my mom is making vegan lasagna!

Just a festive photo of nature to brighten your holiday spirit 😚

This post should have gone up on Monday, but I was in NO mood. Before I was so excited about the holidays and I couldn't let that excitement and joy go to waste. I had to uphold the tradition! If this post doesn't go up at least before Thanksgiving, I will regret it.

I want to make this post a blog-i-day tradition, during Thanksgiving and Christmas; just to express my love for baking!

This Week's Healthy Habit: Take ONE moment to be thankful for yourself. You're awesome. At least acknowledge it!

Now to get to work on those gingerbread cookies...

Happy Thanksgiving!


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